

The University of Southern California values community voices, and we recognize that members of the university community have the right to express their opinions (whether in agreement or dissent) through organized demonstrations on campus.

Before you plan a demonstration, you’ll want to read through the information below to learn about your rights, responsibilities, and time, place, manner concerns. We’ve also included a guide on the process of planning a demonstration with helpful tips and information.

Demonstrations, Marches, Vigils, and Other Free Expression Events

Freedom of speech and assembly are among USC’s foundational values. Each year, our campuses accommodate numerous free speech activities and events, including marches, vigils, and other peaceful demonstrations. We recognize and embrace the important role that a diversity of opinions and perspectives can play in advancing the university’s research and educational mission.

Counter-Protesting and Heckler’s Veto

Similar to holding a protest, members of our community may also wish to express their dissent in a counter-protest or demonstration. When these occasions arise, the expression of all parties is important.

Planning Your Event

This guide provides information to help organizers as they plan events, including demonstrations or other expressive group activities. These rules apply to anyone wishing to use a reservable university space.