Planning Your Event

image of protester in yellow hooded sweatshirt with fist raised.

USC is private property, and students, faculty, and staff, as well as members of the public, therefore do not have unrestricted access to any or all parts of its campuses.

This guide provides information to help organizers as they plan events, including demonstrations or other expressive group activities. These rules apply to anyone wishing to use a reservable university space.

Reserving Space

The first step in planning a demonstration or other free expression event is to submit a request to reserve an outdoor space via Trojan Event Services, (213) 764-4943. Reservation request forms are available online at For Health Sciences Campus (HSC) events, or if a University Park Campus venue is not overseen by Trojan Event Services, organizers will be referred to the appropriate school or building manager.

Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis according to organization type. The university cannot and does not guarantee that facilities suitable for all group needs will be provided. Requests should be made early enough — generally at least three to six weeks in advance — to allow adequate time for processing the request, planning the event, payment of fees and advertising. Trojan Event Services has the requested date deadlines on its website.

No advertisement can take place before written confirmation is received.

University Event Permit Application

Once Trojan Event Services or the applicable facilities manager has confirmed that space is available, event organizers are required to submit a University Event Permit Application (UEPA) at least three weeks prior to the event date. UEPAs will be reviewed and approved by the appropriate USC departments.

In the event that a request to reserve space has not been timely submitted, the university may nevertheless consider a UEPA under the following exceptional circumstances only:

  1. there was no reasonable way to anticipate the need for the event in time to reserve the space with the advance time ordinarily required (e.g., a vigil or demonstration about a matter that occurred only a few days earlier);
  2. the time, place, and manner of the event would not interfere with any other scheduled events or university functions; and
  3. the UEPA has been submitted sufficiently in advance of the event (typically at least 48 hours) to allow the university to address any health, safety, or logistical issues or concerns.

Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions

The UEPA review process assists organizers in planning events that do not violate university policies and rules designed to protect the core functions of our university and the rights of all members of our community. Organizers should take appropriate steps, and will be held responsible, to ensure that their event or demonstration on campus:

  • Takes place in accordance with the approved UEPA, including with respect to time and location;
  • Does not involve the use of cots, tents, or temporary, makeshift, or portable structures intended for living or sleeping;
  • Does not obstruct the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or circulation;
  • Does not impede access to USC buildings, grounds, or facilities;
  • Does not interfere with or disrupt university business, activities, classes, or other scheduled programs or events;
  • Does not involve the use of amplified sound except as approved in advance by Trojan Event Services, or otherwise create unreasonable noise disruptive of USC activities;
  • Does not involve the use of signs that could be weaponized against others, including wooden signposts;
  • Does not involve the posting of signs, posters, boards, etc., on any property/surface owned by USC, including on interior or exterior walls, doors, and windows of buildings, in trees and bushes, or on the ground using chalk or paint;
  • Does not involve the use of signs or banners at indoor events that prevent the audience from seeing the speaker or presentation or otherwise disrupts the audience’s ability to hear, see and interact with the speaker;
  • Does not violate any federal, state, or local safety code (including with respect to building occupancy), such as regulations set by the fire marshal.

Event Relocation

Under some circumstances, organizers of events or demonstrations may be directed by university officials to relocate or discontinue their gatherings.

Such circumstances may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Access: The event obstructs access or traffic to university buildings and grounds.
  • Safety/Health: The event creates an imminent risk to the health or safety of individuals or property or is causing incitement of unlawful or prohibited acts.
  • Capacity/Disruptions: The space becomes unsuitable for the event due to capacity limitations, facility repairs/construction, disruption to university operations, or other reserved events.
  • Emergencies: Emergency operations.

Student Life staff can offer students guidance in the coordination and planning process so that organizers can ensure their event adheres to its approved UEPA; follows appropriate safety, security, and crowd management procedures; and promotes a shared understanding of expectations, rights, and responsibilities of organizers and participants.

University officials and DPS personnel will be present at demonstrations to ensure organizer rights are protected, the university’s regular and essential operations and activities are not disrupted, and the safety of the university community is not compromised.